Food Portions

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 30:7-9 MKJV

7 I have asked two things from You; do not deny them before I die;
8 remove far from me vanity and a lying word; give me neither poverty or riches; tear for me my portion of bread,
9 lest I be full and deceive, and say, Who is Jehovah? Or lest I be poor, and steal, and violate the name of my God.

We (ihlcc) decided in this lesson and the following series of lessons to approach the subject of “food”. In our first lesson we mentioned that God is the source for all good “food” so it is better to eat the “foods” already (previously) ordained by God. We highlighted the fact men will put profits ahead of people’s health so be disciplined in your eating and your selection of “food” because some “foods” are truly good for your body while other “foods” are not. In the last lesson we discussed what our attitude should be about “food”. In short, the child of God ought to desire God’s Word over “food” because that is the proper perspective. We mentioned that not having natural food could cause starvation unto physical death but not having God’s Word, our spiritual food, will cause death physically and spiritually unto eternal death. Therefore it is in our best interest to consider “God’s natural food” secondary in comparison to “God’s Spiritual food” of His Word as our primary desire in life. In today’s lesson we will focus our attention to man’s specific “Portion of food”. To start this lesson off on the right foot (path) we will quickly state that this lesson is not intended for those under weight or over weight but rather all people in general. This is true because anyone can overeat and/or under-eat on a specific day but what you do over the long haul will set your course in life. It is no accident that we spoke about having the proper attitude toward “food” first because if you truly see “food” as a lesser important thing it won’t be able to dominate your life. Often we (ihlcc) see individuals who eat out of habit rather than being purpose driven (which is eating for a purpose). We cannot point any fingers because we too will do this on occasion but all thanks be to God who gives us the victory over “food” in Christ Jesus our Lord we don’t practice eat without a purpose on a consistent basis. Generally speaking we don’t practice habitual eating as a lifestyle but rather eating our predetermined “portion of food” each day. So let us discuss in a little more detail exactly what we mean by “Food Portions”. When you start your day your body needs certain of proteins, nutrients and minerals to produce at optimal levels. Yes, the food and/or drink you consume each day is either helping your body to produce God’s good things or hindering your body from producing anything. Therefore the question, What is your specific daily portion?, must be answered with accurate knowledge and facts. The majority of people we know here in America don’t know their “proper portion of food”. They do however know when they are planning to eat next and they have a good idea of the size portion they typically eat. This means they are eating habitually instead of thoughtfully which is undisciplined eating. When we mention thoughtfully we are essentially saying “prayerfully and/or spiritually”. Since we are to be led by God’s Spirit in our everyday life why not be led in your daily eating too. Thus, the scripture for today’s lesson admonishes us to seek God’s Will when eating because the palmist specifically indicated that God is to give him (Agur the son of Jakeh) his “portion of food” specially for that day. Verse 9 declares that eating too much could cause complacency toward God while eating too little could cause desperate actions of stealing, which both are sins against God. It is wise to know what is “your daily portion” each day. This means you should know if you are eating too much and/or too little. Of course on the practical side checking your weight on a regular basis will help because if you are increasing in weight that may be a good thing or a bad habit. If you are moving up to your ideal weight it is good, praise God. If you are pregnant and gaining weight this is also a good thing and quite normal. If you are gaining weight because you are growing and developing that is perfectly fine also. However, if you are gaining weight beyond your idea weight it is considered a bad thing because that can cause problems down the road concerning certain health challenges. There is a public chart according to doctors and other health professionals that determine an ideal weight for certain ages according to your sex (male or female) that usually has a range depending upon the frame of the individual. We use that range and our general frame as a go to guide for our desired result because that is the direction we are (or should be) heading. Knowing the proper “Food Portions” for you can help you get there if you mix discipline (doing it) into the equation. Specially speaking if you eat a lower amount (a lesser portion) of “food” consistently than what your body considers daily calorie intake you will start losing weight but if you eat more than what your body considers daily calorie intake you will gain weight. Some will ask, “What if I just eat my daily portion will I lose or gain weight?” Generally, speaking no you will most likely retain the current weight you are simply because you really haven’t done anything specific to cause you to lose or gain weight. Remember the human body is fearfully and wonderfully made, so know with all confidence that the body will adjust to your specific eating habits whether good or bad. So you must know these two issues (facts, measurements), first you must know your daily “portion of food” and secondly you must know your ideal weight to achieve or maintain for your specific age and frame. We (ihlcc) have found when you eat slightly below your “daily portion” you might lose some weight but when you eat moderately below your “daily portion of food” you lose weight on a more consistent basis. We do want you to ponder this fact, “The taste of food is the same whether you have two pieces of chicken or just one or even just a small piece of chicken so don’t get caught up on needing more food because the truth is you don’t. Just get a small “portion of food” every meal everyday and that should be sufficient to get to your ideal weight sometime in the future. Side note: If you are eating several meals a day maybe skipping one would help and if necessary skipping two if the Lord leads you that way. If you are below your ideal weight please don’t be anxious (overly concerned) about eating too much because some people would love to be able to eat more. Just be more spiritual minded to concentrate on the goodness of God and His great love for you. Remember, The Father God, your Lord Jesus Christ and ihlcc strongly desire for you to love yourself and be happy continuously in Christ Jesus because that is truly being more spiritually minded. You must know that observing your “Proper Portion of Food” everyday will bring forth a beautiful harvest of you that resembles God’s perfect image of you both physically and spiritually in Jesus Name. Amen! Oh yeah, one more note: understand that your “Daily Portion” will (or may) change everyday depending upon what you are doing because certain days you might require more “food” due to increased activities whereas other days you might not need much food at all. Thus, one can always fast when they are led in that direction because we conclude that fasting for one meal or a couple of days, which is no portion for that time, will not change the final outcome of what you practice over the long haul (consistently) because your habitual lifestyle will always overcome a temporal change (unusual condition). Therefore purpose to eat only your proper “portion of food” for that day and then you can keep a clear conscience concerning keeping “food” in subjection to your will, as opposed to the desire of “food” guiding your thoughts, your words and your life (actions). For the Name of Jesus and the mind of Christ is always more powerful that the “portion of food” you chose to eat at each meal on any given day. Amen!